The Shoes Are Off.


Usually the shoes come off as a pagan alternative to Easter, but Christ rose pretty early this year. Stupid Moon… So the shoes came off today and boy is my life easier. I hate coming in and out of the house taking the shoes on and off because with all the shit and dirt around here the floor is a mess if I don’t. Every time the wife mops all I can think about is the three bucks a new sponge mop head goes for. Now the foot dunk bucket is outside the door and no more tracks.

I call what’s going on outside “tater rain”. Seems like at potato planting time all it does is rain rain, rain. The old timers (fictitious characters to which just about anything can be authoritatively attributed) say get the taters in before the peaches loose their blossoms. Here’s hoping for a late bloomer. No panic – they’ll get in when they get in. I’m just enjoying the redbuds in flower, the clover coming up, and the chickens laying 2 dozen egg a day.

Got 4 goats milking now. The wife has her creamer and cheese again. Cottage cheese for me and the pig gets the whey. Perfected the sourdough bread recipe and the starter gets fed everyday. Y’know… I got a lot of things to feed around here. Sourdough culture, the worms, chicken cat dog pig goats, and #1critter. Not to mention the huge new compost bins I made out of all that walnut lumber. It’s 8pm and I just finished milking the goats and checking the chickens. And folding the load of laundry. Made dinner, too. I claim “retired” when pressed for information regarding my employment status. I get the veiled deadbeat look when the fact that my wife teaches at the college is added to the mix. Hehehe, judge me from behind your 9 to 5 slave station… I’m eating good, no middle age pot belly…

And running around barefoot.

6 Responses to “The Shoes Are Off.”

  1. jim beam Says:

    Right this moment, about 10:30 at night locally, I think it’s warmer there than here. We’re around 40 – 42 F. This tenderfoot isn’t going around barefoot all that much anymore. Wendy does all the time.

    It sounds like all of your hard work previously is paying off. Strikes me that you don’t have to feed so many things as that you are feeding so many things. After winter and the dire economy it must feel pretty good to see spring kick in.

    I hope you’re enjoying the rain. Rain envy here. Seems like even if I water a lot, nothing works like a good rain. A local meteorologist in the local newspaper talking about the disappointing snow pack in March said something to the effect:’ we really do live in a desert.’ Funny but maybe it should be a headline.

    A nice, telling little post _ _ jB

  2. oegnosticbrethren Says:

    Jim Beam, you must be in California, like I am!

    We had a small amount of rain this week, enough to knock down the dust but not enough to water anything. i can’t believe it is already tie to mow the grass! We have a small patch of lawn in the side yard that takes 5 minutes to mow but are thinking about taking it out and planting there instead. Never have used chemicals or anything on it.
    CSimba: I keep hoping to get my old man set up like you. I read the blog to him (he does not like reading off of a computer screen) and encourage him to become the “gentleman farmer” that I know he wants to be 😉 He would be a lot more useful to us working here than busting his ass for the Man. As I move up the Non-profit food chain, I am making more and more money. Seems like he should be able to go for an early “retirement” like you and let me “support” him for a change 😉 Besides, I am nearly 10 years younger than him so he’s an old fart already. Very useful, though, when he is not exhausted from his job.

    Please keep posting as you have time. Your perspective is valuable!

  3. FrankBlack Says:

    Wish I could “retire”. Perhaps many of us will have to if things don’t change for the better in the near future. Too cold in New York for all the planting yet. I did stack four cords of wood, though. One left to cut and that’ll do me good for next winter. Plenty of nice rain here and we’re being teased by warmth. I should begin planting in earnest in the next couple weeks. Still too cold to germinate most seeds. The seedlings downstairs are doing well, but I never seem to have enough room. I’ve often though of how moving down your way would give me several more weeks of growing and an order of magnitude less costs. For that, you are fortunate. I’ve got a whole stone-floored breezeway to sop up muddy feet, but I still get looks if I don’t take off my shoes. Barefoot and a good hosing off just might be the prescription.

  4. jB Says:

    Found the new blog site for the comrade. A quick test to see if I can make a message stick.

    The regular site is problematic. I can sometimes see the message board or the old blog and I sometimes get error messages.

    The problem could be this end with a just upgraded computer and OS.


  5. comradesimba Says:

    Not sure what’s up… I get in just fine. Maybe your cookies delete at shut down? There’s a setting to allow them to stick somewhere I’m sure. I haven’t changed any of the settings that I’m aware of…

  6. Ndon Says:

    Hey jim, I got on the forum first time, so I suspect it is as the comrade says, and a cookie issue, I had it the same when I replaced my tomputer, but can’t remember how I solved it.

    Got our member of parliment coming to my place to promote composting on friday, gonna give him a handfull of the dog pile to hold for the photos the paper want… I’ll tell him the ingredients when we’re done… lol

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